Monday, September 14, 2009

Rozzy Rozzy Rozzy...

So I thought I should introduce myself properly...

I'm a 17-year-old Year 12 student from Darwin, Australia. (For those of you who don't know, Darwin is up in the tropics, right under Indonesia. Right now it is really really humid and I wish it would rain already. Lembab sekali!) I enjoy music, Irish dancing, spending time with my gorgeous friends and crazy internet fads. I am a Christian, but I don't think that will come into this blog too much - maybe just the occasional quasi-philosophical brain fart. Also I did Indonesian at school until last year, so if I randomly break out into Indo, just ignore me.

If you're wondering about my name: no, it is not my real name (duh), it's a nickname given to me by a couple of friends. In fact, the name of this blog came from another nickname, Stork (I'm 5'10").

If you'd like to find a blog from someone who's crazier than I am, check out my friend M's.

A few random questions that I stole from M's blog:

What is your occupation? Student and Irish dancing teacher (I'm not qualified or anything, I just help out and do choreography and stuff).

What colour are your socks right now? Are you crazy? It's the Build-Up in Darwin! Having said that, the socks I wore to school today were white and purple.

What are you listening to right now? Granger Danger from A Very Potter Musical (yes, I am obsessed, but hey it's good stuff!)

Can you drive a shift stick? If that means a manual, yes I can, but not very well (I've been very lazy and, even though I got my L's 18 months ago, I've driven a grand total of four times).

Last person you spoke to on the phone? Probably M... it usually is :)

How old are you today? What, is it my birthday or something? Lol. I'm 17.

What is your favourite drink? Lemon lime and bitters.

Have you ever dyed your hair? No, but I'm thinking that might be one of my "OMG I'm at uni" freakout things.

Favourite food? Pavlova (yumyumyum)

What is the last movie that you watched? Apollo 13... I don't really know why, we just randomly watched it. The one before that was Peter Pan (awesome).

How do you vent anger? I don't really know... I like M's idea of killing off Sims based on people that annoy me. I need to try that.

What is your favourite season? The wet season is awesome! For all of you who have been deprived of living in the tropics, I choose winter (rugging up is novel for me).

Eye colour? Grey (very boring).

Hair colour? Brown

Height? Too tall haha... about 5'10". I really should know what that is in cm, seeing as we don't use imperial here in Australia, but I don't.

Finally, the eternal question that I added for the hell of it:
Harry Potter or Twilight? I actually really like both of them (I know, sacreligious much?) but Harry Potter always wins.

...That means finished :)

Quote of the day:
"Today in my dorm room the doorbell rang. Sitting outside the door was a box labeled 'A present from your friends in room 201'. I opened it and a guy popped out, gave me a high five and ran off down the hallway. MLIA."

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