Friday, September 18, 2009

What to do when you should be doing something else

Rozzy needs to post something. Actually, Rozzy should be studying, but hey who cares. What should Rozzy write about? Procrastinating!

In my opinion, procrastinating is healthy once in a while... probably not as often I do it, but oh well. Anyway, leaving things undone and just taking a break is something we all need to learn to do every so often, especially if we are COMPLETELY STRESSED OUT like most of the Year 12s I know (including me).

So how do you procrastinate?

Presenting... Rozzy's Ultimate Guide to Wasting Time!

1. Make a list of things you need to do.
2. Put it away so you don't feel too guilty when you don't do these things.
3. Hop on the net and check your emails. If they're important, don't reply.
4. Go to MLIA. If you need it, there are about 500 pages of hilarious and average things to read about.
5. Go to LunchTimers. This one's especially good if you don't want to think too much. Play simple flash games with strangers and waste time.
6. Watch A Very Potter Musical, even if you've seen it before. If that's not enough, download the free soundtrack.
7. Watch Little White Lie, which is an excellent webseries also by Starkid.
8. If you've had enough of web-based procrastination, try reading a book you've read a hundred times before like, say... Harry Potter. There are lots of them to take up your time.
9. Have a nice, long shower, especially if the weather is hot (like it is here). Unless you have water restrictions, in which case you should go and stare wistfully at the shower.
10. Read blogs with no real purpose, like this one.

EDIT: So I took my own advice and had a nice long shower, and in the process remembered some of my favourite procrastination techniques that I somehow managed to forget.

11. Watch a whole series of your favourite TV show on DVD. (I like watching Scrubs)
12. Read fanfiction, preferably of the really crappy "omg plz review my first fanfic i luv u guys so much i wont spell anything properly!" variety, so you can laugh at it.
13. Rearrange your bookcase so your books are in alphabetical order by author. (Yes, I actually do this sometimes.)
14. Watch informercials (only for the REALLY desperate).

Post your other time-wasting ideas in the comments!


  1. I don't think I need much help in this department...
    1. one word: Facebook
    2. Hmm the day before a test instead of studying I re-read the first three Anne of Green Gables books just to get to the part where Anne and Gilbert get together...
    3. When in doubt, just go to the fridge and eat stuff.
    4. Slowly clean up your room, stopping every five seconds to play with/read/examine all the things you find.
    There's some ideas!

  2. :O I can't believe I forgot Facebook!!! And going to the fridge is one of my classics as well lol.

  3. I looooove MLIA!!! And yes ... definitely Facebook ... I was just lamenting last night how much time I waste on that blasted site.
