Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The End: Part II

An update on my end-of-schoolness: I've handed in my last piece of work EVER (my Composing and Arranging folio and major work). That just leaves three exams and my final Music Solo Performance moderation.

I've had so many "last"s recently. My last test (matrices, five weeks ago), my last assignment for an examinable subject (a chemistry prac), my last day of classes (on which we actually did quizzes and went out for lunch), my last actual classes (a few days earlier), my last day of school... it's exciting, frightening, a huge relief and sad all at the same time.

A huge relief, since this year has been tough at best (and torturous at worst), and I really need it to be over for the sake of my mental health.

Exciting, because a new phase in my life is about to start - adulthood.

Frightening, because I don't know where that will lead me.

Sad, because there are lots of people that I probably will never talk to again... plus I'm a big softie and will actually miss school once it's over, even the hard bits, and the teachers.

As a celebration of my wonderful life at school, I'll leave you with a quote from my hysterical chemisty class of '09, the day we were learning about cleaning agents.

Quote of the day:
Random kid #1 - What's hard water?
Random kid #2 (with a totally straight face and without missing a beat) - Ice.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to wish a VERY HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY to CC!!


  1. and the awesome part? I know both of these 'random kids' XD

  2. All endings bring beginnings.

    My grandma told me that. She was a very keen lady, so I'm sure it's true! It has been for me so far...

    Thanks for coming clean and leaving a comment! That way it brought ME to YOUR site! Thank you!

    Now I will lurk....

  3. Thanks Nancy!
    I did actually leave a few comments earlier on, but I don't blame you for not seeing them, as they were about 70 down the list. But anyway, I'm sure I will get better at commenting and not lurking when these pesky exams are over ;)

  4. Good luck with the 'lasts' and thanks for joining up at my blog....I'm on my way to do the same with you (funnily enough I still remember exactly the feeling you are describing when I finished school). My school had this thing where they played Smashing Pumpkins (yikes I'm showing my age now) and we all ran through this tunnel of students and out the gate....where they promptly tried to give anyone caught burning their school tie detention...psher! I do remember feeling like it was all a sort of mirage and I'd wake up in english class any moment.

  5. @ CAM: Thanks a lot for the luck! The running through the tunnel of students sounds kind of cool, we didn't do anything like that. We were all onstage at our final assembly when someone let off a smokebomb, causing the rest of the school to be unceremoniously herded out of the gym. Then we were sent down the road for a BBQ lunch and not permitted back on the premises... And unfortunately we don't have school uniforms to burn, though I plan to shred my books ASAP!
