Friday, October 23, 2009

The End

I have, in some ways, officially finished high school. Forever.

Please excuse me while I freak out.

Today was the last day of school, in which we took part in the usual Muck-Up Day Final Day activities - dressing up, putting on a concert, pulling pranks, and generally being outrageous (okay, I wasn't outrageous, but a lot of people were! By the way, just in case you are interested, I was Ms Pacman). It was AWESOME.

Somehow, though, I feel a little... anti-climactic. I've been looking forward to this day since I saw my first one, back in Year 8. Now that I've been there, and done it, I've already started forgetting things about it.

Sure, I won't forget the sight of the Footy Boys dancing to "Single Ladies" in leotards, or my friends dressed as Pacman Ghosts, or the feeling I got when I realised that bloke in the long black wig was my ex-boyfriend, and I hadn't recognised him. But I probably will forget most of what happened today.

In a lot of ways, this makes me sad. After all, I expected this day to be one of those Big Moments in life that you will always remember. It was the end of something huge, and I expected to feel a sense of triumph, of elation, of loss. Somehow, I don't.

I suppose it shouldn't be surprising. After all, I still have two and half weeks (yes, I'm counting) until my final exam is over. Today, in that sense, was not the end of anything.

It was, though, a day for us to celebrate the time we've had at high school, to thank our teachers and each other, to chill out and have fun before the final crunch time. And it definitely was that. Instead of taking the piss out of the teachers and the other year levels, like other Year 12 groups have done, we took the piss out of ourselves, and celebrated our school community. Despite the fact that I don't feel like this was a Big Moment, it was still a fantastic day. And hey, now we have the internet to record these moments. If I ever forget this day, I can just read back on this blog, and find the photos on Facebook.


Quote of the day:
"Miss Pacman, I would sex that bow right off your head. Eat those dots, you naughty, naughty girl!" – The Todd, Scrubs

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