Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hey guys, sorry I've been offline for awhile. I've been a little busy, what with FINISHING YEAR 12 AND ALL.


Sorry, I'm totally not over it yet.

Anyway, so I had my last exam yesterday (Chemistry) and it went really well. Very exciting! And now I have lots of free time on my hands, which I will spend doing... lots of useful things, and lots of really pointless things as well, just because I can.

Seriously, I can't tell you how good it feels not to have to worry about study any more. I mean, I still have things to worry about (like university, earning money, teaching dance next year, etc etc etc) but this thing that has been hanging over me for so long is finally gone.

It's a bit weird, though. Final exams have been this massive roadblock for all of us ever since we started high school. For five years, they've been looming over us as the be all and end all of... everything.

My experience? They weren't that bad.

Sure they were stressful. Sure it sucked having to study every single day for months and months. But the fact is, they felt kind of like every other test we've done this year. They were even in the same room. And after sitting three (wait... four) trial exams, countless tests and supervised tasks and three proper exams (plus the three I sat last year) I feel like an old hand.

Just for fun, here's a list of things I would not have survived Year 12 without:

-My family. All of them. Even my extended family who sent me lots of encouraging text messages before exams. I love you all!
-My friends, aka The Bench Mob. I know not all of you have quite finished yet, but in just a few days it will all be over and we will have survived! Together!
-Scrubs. My brother and I have collected every season on DVD during the year. I've found episodes of Scrubs to be particularly good for study breaks, being the perfect length (20 minutes). I swear, watching this show has kept me sane.
-Minesweeper. Whoever invented this game should be made a saint. Not only have I got my best time on Expert down to 135 seconds, I've found it to be really good for getting my mind off exams. The same goes for Sudoku puzzles.
-Dancing. For those of you who don't know, I help teach Irish Dancing at a little school here in Darwin, and I'm so glad I made the effort to keep it going this year. It's been hard work, but it's a wonderful escape, and working with the little kids is so rewarding.

Okay, that will probably do. Here's to never having to do Maths or Chemistry ever, ever, ever again!

Quote of the Day:
"Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off."
-Ellen DeGeneres


  1. Congratulations!!!!! One word hardly does it but it will have to do. Don't worry too much about all the other stuff...speaking from a few years ahead what seems big and scary now pales in ten years :) Have fun living up the empty space school has left behind!!

  2. yay go Rosie! And go Bench Mob... stupid history, I finish after all of you :( oh well I'll get there...

  3. Congratulations hon! Now you can sit down and have a full-on Scrubs marathon. None of that stopping-between-episodes-for-study type business.
    Or maybe there will be a new show for the Graduated Rozzy...Arrested Development perhaps?

  4. @ lucyrogue: Thanks lucy!! Yes, I think I need to sit down and just watch and entire season in one sitting, what do you think? And actually I'm really into Bones at the moment as well.
