Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ick. Is it just me, or has this week been particularly painful?

It's all my own doing, of course. I endure this pain completely voluntarily.

On Mondy (what am I, Irish? Lol) Monday my friend Kat and I gave blood together. I remember the first time we went, and I was really scared. I don't often walk into these unknown situations. But they were really nice to me, and it was (relatively) easy and painless. I've done it three times now.

It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Having said that, they do stick a freakin' huge needle in your arm. In Kat's case, twice. (I'm apparently lucky to have very prominent veins. The nurses comment on it every time I go, in the same manner as "Wow, I really like your shirt".)

I did almost faint once. It was amazing how quickly the nurses reacted. Before I knew it, I was lying back in the chair with a glass of water and a fan blowing straight on me.

Anyway, I got this pretty cool sticker that says "Be nice to me... I gave blood Today". I wanted to take a picture of it for you but my camera has gone *POOF*... so you get a real blood blood drop instead. :)

However, not all my voluntary pain has been so selfless. Today I (dun dun dun...) had my legs waxed.

I mean, seriously, who the hell decided, "Oh wait, I know how to remove hair from legs! Cover it in hot wax and rip it out!"?

It probably hurt so much because I haven't done it in so long. I got sick of forking out $40 just to writhe in pain, so I reverted to shaving. It so happens, though, that my Year 12 Formal is on Monday night and I wanted to be properly defuzzed for my pretty purple dress, hence the forking and writhing. So now, my legs are covered in these horrific red spots, this sticky lotion stuff, little patches of wax (which is, annoyingly, clear, meaning I can't see it unless the light is right), and these stray hairs that, despite the torture, somehow survived.

And you know which one hurt more? Not the selfless act which can save lives, oh no. The was just a couple of needle pricks. It was the beauty torture.


Quote of the Day:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

-Albert Einstein

P.S. If you haven't seen it, the wonderful Team StarKid of A Very Potter Musical fame has a new project on YouTube: Me and My Dick, surprisingly endearing and funny as hell. Check it out!


  1. I just have to say, taking blood is nothing compared to penicillin testing...
    However, good work on the blood donation :) it's too bad I can't give blood otherwise I'd come with you guys next time.

  2. hahaha forking and writhing! You're awesome. And I don't give blood just cos I"m too chicken :/
